We provide day-to-day support to local and foreign companies, of whatever size, and their executives. We advise on all applicable legal and regulatory requirements and give them assistance in times of crisis. As advisers we must above all focus on ways to prevent or limit the emergence or continuation of litigation, whether through prevention or negotiation.

We are also litigation lawyers, recognized as such by the profession and believe that our experience in litigation informs the quality of our advice. We are experienced in national, transnational, and community jurisdictional proceedings before ordinary courts and before arbitration tribunals. We act in arbitrations as counsels or arbitrators and are comfortable with alternative dispute resolution and negotiated justice. For mediated negotiations, one of our partners is a mediator accredited by the Belgian Federal Mediation Commission.

We organize internal training courses at client's request and carry out legal studies, particularly of comparative law.

Administrative law

Administrative law

Our Firm advises its clients in the various branches of public law and administrative law, particularly in the areas of urban planning, the environment and public procurement.

It also represents them before the French and Belgian administrative judicial bodies and national courts, and before the European institutions and courts.

The Firm has gained experience in regulated markets such as broadcasting, telecommunications, and energy both as advisor, litigator, and as author of large-scale comparative law studies. We have assisted in the selection of regulators. We assist and represent clients in proceedings brought against them before regulatory bodies (Conseil Supérieur de l’Audiovisuel, …) or the courts.